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Come From A Place Of Collaboration: The weakness isn’t in asking for feedback; it’s failing to accept it, truly hear it, and be willing to integrate it. Here’s an example of how to seek feedback on a specific issue: Explain the situation as you see it. Then say, ‘Here are the two or three solutions I see, I’m leaning towards this one, and here’s why. I’d like your input on my view of the situation, the options I’ve identified, and my choice.’ Then listen.”

It’s not always easy to ask for employee feedback, especially if you don’t have an effective method for doing so. If your voice says one thing, but your body language says the opposite, for instance, employees may not be inclined to be honest with you.

Most employees want to be heard. In fact, giving them the opportunity to contribute will help them invest personal stake in the company. But how do you do it in a way that develops rapport and gains you respect?

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