Entrepreneur Coaching
I reintroduce successful entrepreneurs to their families.
Through a demanding yet compassionate process, I help entrepreneurs, such as yourself, address the challenges of growing a business and raising a family. The result? A wildly fulfilling Life-Work Balance you only dared to imagine was possible.
You know you’re ready to work with me when you’re thinking:
- “My spouse hates my company!”
- “I love owning my own company but I hate what it’s doing to my life.”
- “I’ve gotten this far but I don’t know what’s next.”
- “How much longer can I take this?”
I get it. I’ve been there. And I promise it doesn’t have to be that way.
My wake-up call came in 2005. The result? I turned my attention and my energy to creating the life I wanted and the business to support that life. Within 4 years I had sold my technology company, I had an amazing relationship with my wife and our three kids, my new business was rocking and I had never felt so fulfilled in my life!And I’ve been showing entrepreneurs how to do the same thing since 2009.

David’s ability to effectively work on the personal side, as well as the professional, has produced amazing results for me, my business partner and our overall organization.”
“How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and keeping THAT picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to BE and to DO what really matters most.”
~ Stephen Covey
Achieving More Requires Becoming More
The DTK Coaching Approach
At the heart of my coaching is a simple philosophy:
It doesn’t have to be hard. It just has to be conscious.
I provide a clear, constructive framework for you to achieve lasting, transformational changes in your business and your life.
My unique ability to listen to interconnected and complex issues, and then provide clarity and support, allows me to quickly understand what makes entrepreneurs tick. I bring an arsenal of techniques and tools rather than taking a formulaic one-size-fits-all approach. As a client said, “He knew what made me tick, sometimes before I did.”
As my client, you’ll learn to overcome the overwhelming challenges that building a business brings and the impact it’s having on your family life. You’ll learn how to create a Life-Work Balance you only dared to imagine was possible, while also achieving dramatic shifts in your performance. Best of all, you’ll learn how to make these steps a part of your life forever.

It’s time to create the life you want and the incredibly successful business to support it.
How much longer will you wait?
The process is called the Touchstone Method: focus | clarity | action
- Putting deep focus on right now: your current state, what works and what doesn’t, what drives you and what’s deeply important to you.
- Develop clarity around what you want: your desired future state, where you want to go, what you want to do, what you want to create.
- Create action steps that are strategic and concrete. Big picture and tactical. Innovative and proven.
- As your coach, my job is to be your accountability partner — a touchstone — keeping you on track with your action plan as you move toward your desired future state.
This will be some of the hardest work you’ve ever done … and then? You’ll keep doing it every day, because the results — a successful career, thriving family and wildly fulfilling life — are what really matter most and you’re ready to relentlessly pursue it.