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DTK Blog: Master Life’s Work

Episode 069: Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #069 — "Hope is not a strategy!" My Vistage Chair, Larry Hart, said that so many times it became part of the lore of our group, almost a cliché. Despite that, the message landed ... As a leader, hope isn't even part of the equation. Clear values, a…
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Episode 068: Security is not the meaning of my life. Great opportunities are worth the risk.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #068 — Security does not a life make. Maslow taught us that it is only when our need for security is met that we can even contemplate having our psychological needs like love and belongingness met. "Security" is a funny thing. It's situational, contextual, fleeting ... even an…
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Episode 067: Anyone can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend’s success.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #067 — Sympathy is a force multiplier. Way back in Episode #005, we played with Teddy Roosevelt's idea that "Comparison if the thief of joy." So when I read this quote by Oscar Wilde, I first thought that this week's conversation would snap back to dire warnings against…
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Episode 066: Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #066 — Want to succeed more? Then fail more! The next time you hear an entrepreneur, an executive, or the leader of any organization profess their belief in innovation, ask them how they reward failure. Chances are, they don't. And when failure is not rewarded, innovation is NOT…
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Episode 063: But…

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #063 — I hate my "But"! It was a brilliant conversation, until she showed her "But..." On a monthly call with a group of amazing coaches, this powerful woman described how powerfully she has been showing up and then she said, "I want to be like that is…
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Episode 062: The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #062 — Paying attention has a cost. There may be no such thing as a free lunch, but there is free rent. Every uncleared assumption or uncleared hurt or uncleared slight ... every moment you spend thinking about it those things is like giving someone free rent in…
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Episode 061: Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #061 — Keep learning to slow aging! Over the years I've heard people attribute the end of a partnership - in marriage or in business - to "we just grew apart." From my experience, that's not true. People don't grow apart. One person outgrows the other. People tend…
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Episode 060: The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #060 - Don't be a fool. When one craves something enough, one can tend to ignore all obvious evidence against that desire. We fool ourselves. With someone else we might play the skeptic, yet when counseling ourselves, we blindly trust our own judgement. Richard P. Feynman warned us…
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