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Mindset Mondays with DTK – Ep #054 – HINT: It's all around!I remember my first cell phone (it weighed a ton), the woman who sold it to me (Mara Valeney), the time it took to install it in my car (three hours!), and the damned price tag (I wish I didn't remember that one). Despite how memorable those details may be, what I remember most was a conversation with Mara a month later. When I mentioned that it seemed like "everyone had those little antennas on their rear windshields," she actually chuckled. She knew how early it was in the market and how few there actually were (after all, this was Atlanta in the waning Reagan years). It was so simple. Now that I owned one, I was aware of them and, all of the sudden, "they were everywhere." Roald Dahl taught us that contextual awareness works both ways.“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”What if magic was everywhere? What if it has been all along? One need only pay attention, be open, be aware … to see what is already there, just waiting to be seen.Where is the magic in your life?

Posted by David Taylor-Klaus on Monday, February 18, 2019

Mindset Mondays with DTK – Ep #054 – HINT: It’s all around!

I remember my first cell phone (it weighed a ton), the woman who sold it to me (Mara Valeney), the time it took to install it in my car (three hours!), and the damned price tag (I wish I didn’t remember that one). Despite how memorable those details may be, what I remember most was a conversation with Mara a month later. When I mentioned that it seemed like “everyone had those little antennas on their rear windshields,” she actually chuckled. She knew how early it was in the market and how few there actually were (after all, this was Atlanta in the waning Reagan years). It was so simple. Now that I owned one, I was aware of them and, all of the sudden, “they were everywhere.” Roald Dahl taught us that contextual awareness works both ways.

“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

What if magic was everywhere? What if it has been all along? One need only pay attention, be open, be aware … to see what is already there, just waiting to be seen.

Where is the magic in your life?


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