In this episode of The Coach’s Spotlight Dr Ola is joined by David Taylor-Klaus is a Master Certified Coach, speaker, and author on a mission to unearth and unleash the personal mastery of entrepreneurs and senior executives. 🌟 Don’t miss out on this enlightening conversation! Listen to the full episode to gain insights on how…
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Trust and verify; do not rely on the reporting alone. Walk the floor and put yourself in the seat of the customers or stakeholders.
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Design Reporting Protocols With The Client “ROI design is the key to proof, and design starts even before the engagement agreement is drafted, let alone signed. Design—with the client or sponsor—what will be measured, how and when it will be measured, and how it will be reported and to whom. In this way, reporting will…
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The shining towers in America’s financial centers are symbols of wealth and ambition. However, a more subdued uprising is taking place within their confines. Forget about million-dollar mergers and the cacophony of the trading floor; the real success makers frequently work in quiet conference rooms that are out of sight to the naked eye. These…
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Dive Into Executive Function “The adage is true: “When you know better, you do better.” Dive into executive function—the mental processes enabling us to focus attention, remember instructions, plan and successfully handle multiple tasks. Learn about it. Get training. Hire an executive function coach. If you wanted to get better at tennis, you’d take lessons…
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Spread The Word To Your Clients “Coaches and “coachsultants” working with CEOs, CHROs and COOs have a brilliant (and simple) access point to speaking engagements: Let your clients know that you are a speaker and what your topics are! I am amazed at how many engagements my mentor coaching clients and I have secured merely…
Read More Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #190 — Leadership = Parenting = Coaching You know those lines you use so often that as soon as you start saying it, your spouse, your partner, your dearest friends, even your family start to roll their eyes? Or they complete the sentence for you? Here's one of…
Read More Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #071 — "Think longer" may be the new "Think different" Nothing is impossible, it's merely a matter of investing enough of three currencies: time, energy, and thought. Time must be carved out and dedicated to the effort. Energy must be reserved for and committed to the work. And…
Read More Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #070 — Keep going! Giving up on something is often the quick and easy way out. But that "quick" can have lasting impact. The second-guessing, the self-criticism, and the self-flogging lingers long after the quitting is done. All too often it's merely the persistence that makes the difference…
Read More Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #069 — "Hope is not a strategy!" My Vistage Chair, Larry Hart, said that so many times it became part of the lore of our group, almost a cliché. Despite that, the message landed ... As a leader, hope isn't even part of the equation. Clear values, a…
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