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DTK Blog: Master Life’s Work

Episode 089: It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #089 — Turn and face the strange changes... The members of the college class of 2023 are expected to have seven careers in their lifetime. That's careers. Not jobs. And I remember a year ago how obsessed those soon-to-be high school graduates were (read: "their parents were") about…
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Episode 088: There are three musts that hold us back: “I must do well.” “You must treat me well.” And “The world must be easy.”

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #088 — One Musn't "Must"! Dr. Albert Ellis, the founder of rational emotive behavior therapy, taught us that the best years of our lives are when you decide that your problems are your own. In other words, when you own the idea that you are the only one…
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Episode 086: We promise according to our hopes and perform according to our fears.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #086 — Deadlines are a bitch! I created the deadline. I created the schedule. That means I created the pressure. You see, I want to get my book out by Groundhog Day 2020. Maybe it's the symmetry. Or maybe it's the hope. "We promise according to our hopes…
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Episode 085: You will become way less concerned with what other people think of you when you realize how seldom they do.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #085 — I can hear them! The second I raised my hand I swear I could hear what they were thinking. And it got louder as soon as I stood up and asked my question. I had asked something about scaling my outreach and then all I could…
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Episode 084: Being listened to feels so much like being loved, people can scarcely tell the difference.

By Mindset Mondays *** SOUND STARTS AT 13:45! *** Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #084 — Hear Ye, Hear Ye! We're poor: time poor, attention poor, and connection poor. Sadly, for most of us, that's the world we live in. Too many things to pay attention to (let alone to get done!) in too little time…
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Episode 083: The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #083 — It's all about you! It's easy to get contorted. To do what the world thinks you should do. To be what the world says you should be. But that's NOT the game. If there is a "should," Wallace Delois Wattles captured it perfectly: "The very best…
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Episode 082: Don’t worry about the level of individual prominence you have achieved; worry about the individuals you have helped become better people.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #082 — Meet Impact Billionaire, Robbin Jorgensen! Despite the old adage to the contrary, money is not the root of all evil. Over-inflating the importance of money is the root of all evil. When we measure our success, our value, our worth, our importance, or our impact by…
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Episode 081: Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the impossible.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #081 — ​Irrational Exuberance​ Is a Strategy ​The project that Tim Berners-Lee started in the late 80s finally came to a head in 1991. His birthing HTML spawned the World Wide Web ... and the rest is history. The part of the story you don't know is kind…
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Episode 080: In the long run, the pessimist may be proved right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #080 — The story of my life? Wow! I feel like Daniel Reardon could have written this one for me... "In the long run, the pessimist may be proved right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip." The culture in which I was raised had…
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