In this episode of The Coach’s Spotlight Dr Ola is joined by David Taylor-Klaus is a Master Certified Coach, speaker, and author on a mission to unearth and unleash the personal mastery of entrepreneurs and senior executives. 🌟 Don’t miss out on this enlightening conversation! Listen to the full episode to gain insights on how…
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Trust and verify; do not rely on the reporting alone. Walk the floor and put yourself in the seat of the customers or stakeholders.
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Design Reporting Protocols With The Client “ROI design is the key to proof, and design starts even before the engagement agreement is drafted, let alone signed. Design—with the client or sponsor—what will be measured, how and when it will be measured, and how it will be reported and to whom. In this way, reporting will…
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The shining towers in America’s financial centers are symbols of wealth and ambition. However, a more subdued uprising is taking place within their confines. Forget about million-dollar mergers and the cacophony of the trading floor; the real success makers frequently work in quiet conference rooms that are out of sight to the naked eye. These…
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Dive Into Executive Function “The adage is true: “When you know better, you do better.” Dive into executive function—the mental processes enabling us to focus attention, remember instructions, plan and successfully handle multiple tasks. Learn about it. Get training. Hire an executive function coach. If you wanted to get better at tennis, you’d take lessons…
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Spread The Word To Your Clients “Coaches and “coachsultants” working with CEOs, CHROs and COOs have a brilliant (and simple) access point to speaking engagements: Let your clients know that you are a speaker and what your topics are! I am amazed at how many engagements my mentor coaching clients and I have secured merely…
Read More Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #165 — Wise Elder OR merely older? Aging makes no promise save an increasing birthday cake fire hazard. One more candle for one more trip around the sun. Age marches on regardless of our desire. But knowledge, wisdom, serenity, peace-of-mind? Age gives no guarantee of their progression. All…
Read More Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #161 — Learn, Break, Serve! I live a dichotomy … As a life-long learner and mastery-junky I am constantly diving in and always willing to dive deep. I'm even prone to over-YESing leading to some seriously overloaded stretches on my calendar (ask me about 2016!). I even chose…
Read More Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #137 — Breathe. "That's not right!" That"s literally what I said when I heard it (I'm glad my mic was muted). But I already knew better. My friend Matt Chavlovich — a former pro athlete and recovering overachiever — was sharing what he had learned over a lifetime…
Read More Episode #116 — The journey makes the outcome all the richer. In 7th grade, my aunt gave me a framed Gollum quote (from The Hobbit) that remained on my wall through graduation: "It is precious to me though I buy it with great pain." It got me through some gnarly emotional times in high…
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