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DTK Blog: Master Life’s Work

Episode 144: The soul that gives thanks can find comfort in everything; the soul that complains can find comfort in nothing.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK – Ep #144 — Celebrate ... Even in 2020 I love the concept, promise, and inevitable impact of the gratitude journal exercise. And yet, I fought it for so long. When I look back at what I captured in my earliest gratitude journal, I'm shocked (not shocked?) by what those…
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The LeaderShift Project with Shani Magosky

By As Seen On
Shani and I discussed the inspiration behind the book, taking an uncomfortable risk that ends up being a game changer, the REWIRE Framework, making learning stick, stimulating cognitive flexibility, creating meaningful lasting change, using intentionality & agility to respond in a more creative & open-minded way, and producing the impact we desire as leaders. We played with applying these concepts to…
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Life in the AND

By As Seen On
Episode 28: We need our heads AND our hearts with David Taylor Klaus David and I explore what it means to live and lead with the head and the heart. We discuss how money can distract us from the things that are important to us and how we can reconnect with our hearts by going deep with…
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Episode 142: Let everything happen to you, beauty and terror, just keep going, no feeling is final.

By Mindset Mondays Episode #142 — גַּם זֶה יַעֲבֹר No worries, the rest of this email is not going to be in Hebrew. That phrase, Gam zeh ya'avor, means "This, too, shall pass." Given the current political condition in the US, and the resulting uncertainty and deepened polarization, it seems a fitting reminder for this week. As…
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Episode 141: One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.

By Mindset Mondays Episode #141 — Make A Choice! If, in your country, you have the right to vote, VOTE. In every country where people like you have the right to vote, know that people fought for that right ... be it a war of words, a war of horrific violence, or anything in between, someone fought…
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Podcast: Inspirational Leadership with Kristen Harcourt – “Developing a Leadership Mindset with David Taylor-Klaus”

By As Seen On
Developing a Leadership Mindset with David Taylor-Klaus Inspirational Leadership with Kristen Harcourt Here are some of the topics we discussed: How leaders can over-calibrate to the doing and forget about the being part Looking inward to understand what is truly motivating and empowering for you The difference between living from the place of “I want…
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