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DTK Blog: Master Life’s Work

Episode 165: Whatever transformative experience we have of aging is dependent upon our own intention.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #165 — Wise Elder OR merely older? Aging makes no promise save an increasing birthday cake fire hazard. One more candle for one more trip around the sun. Age marches on regardless of our desire. But knowledge, wisdom, serenity, peace-of-mind? Age gives no guarantee of their progression. All…
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Episode 164: What drains your spirit drains your body. What fuels your spirit fuels your body.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #164 — Sleep is not enough! Sleep, nutrition, and exercise … I already know that those are the three 'physical' levers I can use to make my brain (and my body) work better. Sleep resets, recharges, and restores. Nutrition is both energy source and building blocks. Exercise keeps…
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Soul of Business Podcast

By As Seen On
"What could go right?" What if, instead of always worrying about what might go wrong, we start asking ourselves that question. Imagine the possibilities! Listen in as Blaine Bartlett and I explore our relationship with business and work and figuring out how to work to live instead of living to work.
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Reinventing Perspectives Podcast

By As Seen On
"Every entrepreneur is here to create a shift and the lucky ones figure out what that shift is early on. It's all about "unearthing and unleashing the power of the heart in your business. " If you're tired of business as usual but not quite sure how to rewire your approach to business for impact??…
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