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DTK Blog: Master Life’s Work

Episode 184: We should open ourselves to the impossible and embrace a psychology of possibility.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #184 — Small changes make large differences! I've talked and written (and rambled) extensively about possibility and impossibility because i know the ugly truth. Are you ready? All that you believe to be impossible is so because you believe it to be. On the bright side, whatever you…
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Episode 182: Power is the ability to access your deepest desires, express them fully to others, and use them to influence other people and the world at large.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #182 — Same As It Ever Was... This week I am back in California for a week with my mastermind … this is the first time we have seen each other in person since February 2020! This has been a powerful reminder of how different human connection is…
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Episode 181: The purpose of life is to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have it make some difference that we lived at all.

By Mindset Mondays Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #181 — Either/Or? Or Both? The intentional, heartfelt words of a dying always carry more weight. My life has been marked by several chapters of almost opposing goals states. There were times where I was relentlessly attentive to my impact, the being useful, to mattering. And, often in…
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