Just because someone has a great business idea doesn’t mean they will know how to execute it. Many aspiring entrepreneurs lack a background in business and have no experience starting and running a company. Fortunately, there are a lot of resources available today to help guide inexperienced up-and-comers in the right direction. The E-Myth Revisited…
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Companywide activities and events can be great ways to get everyone involved in diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. While these events do spread awareness and can be helpful catalysts for change, as time goes by, employees can easily forget how to implement everything they learned. Get Participants’ Buy-In During The Event “Focusing on this after…
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https://youtu.be/MmRANbdkYsM Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #187 — Let It Go So You Can Grow Forgiveness. That word is very top of mind for me right now as the Jewish High Holiday Yom Kippur — The Day of Atonement — began last night at sunset and extends through sunset tonight. The word "atonement" is…
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https://youtu.be/zZX3EBfXuN0 Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #186 — It's the "Head" of the Year! As of this week, we're now living in the year 5782. No, this is not an extreme exercise in future planning. At Sunset on Monday, 6 September, Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year began. In Hebrew, Rosh Hashanah literally translates…
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https://youtu.be/JytGTCKKU8k Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #185 — Certainty is the Obstacle. When I launched out into the world as a newly minted entrepreneur (read: "right after the final time I got fired"), I was certain about so many things. I knew what I knew and, worse than that, I was certain that I…
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https://youtu.be/A_qum0rHAOc Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #184 — Small changes make large differences! I've talked and written (and rambled) extensively about possibility and impossibility because i know the ugly truth. Are you ready? All that you believe to be impossible is so because you believe it to be. On the bright side, whatever you…
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https://youtu.be/VG5KX2sVsXU Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #183 — Be Unreasonable! As I look back on my journey as an entrepreneur, what I love the most is how clueless I was … and how that is exactly why I have been successful. I never let the knowledge of "how things work" or "how things are…
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Great to be interviewed on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur podcast with Josh Elledge. https://player.captivate.fm/episode/1d4552bb-b020-446b-ae4d-8cdcfccce7c8
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https://youtu.be/4rC3nqSWV2E Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #182 — Same As It Ever Was... This week I am back in California for a week with my mastermind … this is the first time we have seen each other in person since February 2020! This has been a powerful reminder of how different human connection is…
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https://youtu.be/f6BKTP-ugK4 Mindset Mondays with DTK - Ep #181 — Either/Or? Or Both? The intentional, heartfelt words of a dying always carry more weight. My life has been marked by several chapters of almost opposing goals states. There were times where I was relentlessly attentive to my impact, the being useful, to mattering. And, often in…
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